Virtual Support Options

Sleep | Development | Reflux | Sensory Processing | Primitive Reflexes

In addition to my in-person craniosacral occupational therapy services, I also offer virtual occupational therapy support to assist with infant sleep, development, reflux, and sensory processing. I highly recommend that you find a local craniosacral therapy provider to support your child with at least 2-3 sessions either before or during our work together. I truly find that it is a missing piece of the puzzle and can often do wonders to support the overall wellbeing and regulation of your child .... and when you have a calm & happy child, life is so much easier!

These services may be covered by your extended health insurance if you have 'occupational therapy' coverage.

Are you a parent navigating the often turbulent waters of babyhood?

Does it feel like the sleepless nights are endless, and the soothing strategies just aren't cutting it?

Are you worried about your baby's development, struggling with reflux, or concerned about sensory processing differences?

I'm here to help you find answers, regain confidence, and embrace a holistic approach to parenting, so that you and your baby can find the comfort and relief you both deserve.

Unlock the potential for a happier, healthier, and more well-rested family life

How I Can Support You

Sleep Solutions Without Tears

I understand the challenges of sleepless nights, which is why I offer virtual Occupational Therapy support that focuses on holistic sleep solutions. I believe in nurturing healthy sleep habits without resorting to sleep training methods. I will work with you to create a customized sleep plan that respects your baby's unique needs and your parenting values. I will teach you how to connect with your baby on a deeper level and how to reinforce important feelings of safety and security so that when developmentally ready, your baby will be prepared and will be able to fall asleep and stay asleep .... All while using an attachment focus and responsive, supportive parenting strategies. Say goodbye to endless crying and hello to peaceful nights.

Unlocking Baby's Development

Babies grow at their own pace, and I'm here to celebrate every milestone with you. Stop the comparison game and start feeling confident in your baby's development. Through virtual Occupational Therapy support I can help your baby reach their developmental milestones with confidence. I provide guidance on fine and gross motor skill development, sensory processing differences, and integrating primitive reflexes. Let's make tummy time fun, playfully encourageyour baby with rolling, sitting, crawling, pulling to stand, and even get them walking. Watch your baby thrive and discover their full potential.

Supporting Oral Motor Function & Solving the Mystery of Reflux

While I am not a lactation consultant, I am able to assess positioning, tongue/lip/cheek function, and support you and your baby in feeding more efficiently. I also do intra-oral releases in the mouth and can help you re-train your baby's oral motor function pre/post tongue-tie release. I can also help with introducing solids and the sensory and oral motor skills needed for that.

Reflux can be a challenging journey for both parents and babies. I am dedicated to helping you find the cause of your baby's reflux and providing holistic solutions to provide relief. No more endless crying, fussing, or feeling helpless. Together, we'll uncover the underlying causes and explore gentle methods to alleviate discomfort.

Support for Sensory Processing Differences & Primitive Reflexes

We have 8 senses (yes, 8!). Sensory processing and primitive reflexes underly our daily functioning. Everything from sleep to eating to moving and playing.

Sensory processing differences can be overwhelming for both parents and children. Our virtual Occupational Therapy support offers strategies to help you and your child navigate the sensory world with confidence. I provide insights, activities, and support to promote sensory integration, make sure the primitive reflexes are appropriately integrated, and create a more comfortable environment for your child.

Virtual Support Packages

Your Investment

Clarity Consult / Assessment


  • Comprehensive intake review

  • 60 min call ask me questions, review areas of concerns, get my opinion on your situation

  • Any handouts + resources that will support you

Stop Googling at all hours of the night, scrolling for answers, and ask me instead!

Think of this as a power hour jam packed session where you will have my undivided attention and support for 60 minutes.

You will leave feeling reassured and confident about the right way forward for you and your family.

You will complete an intake form for me before our session so that I can understand a bit more about your situation. Then, during our time together you can ask me all the questions we can fit into 60 minutes. I will offer my insights, brief assessment of your situation, and answer your questions.

This is for any parent who just needs a little more clarity, and perhaps a confidence boost that you are on the right track. It’s perfect for someone who might not need a ton of troubleshooting but would like to know that they are on the right track in navigating their child’s sleep.

The Comprehensive Confidence Package is perfect for you if:

You have a complex situation or more than one thing you want to change - you are worried about their sleep, development, reflux, or sensory processing and you find your situation stressful or unsustainable.

You want better sleep, easier feeding, more confidence, better regulation (in the case of sensory processing differences), BUT also want to be respectful, responsive and supporting, even if it takes longer

You're overwhelmed, don't know what to do.

You want someone to be by yourself guiding you and checking in.You are ready and want to make a change (and are ready to put in the work and time to do this)

Comprehensive Confidence Package


  • Comprehensive intake review

  • 60-70 min call to discuss my analysis & recommendations + co-create a plan

  • Customized written plan with strategies + recommendations

  • 5 x 30-min follow up calls

  • 6-weeks of secure messaging support (M-F; 9am-9pm)

  • Complimentary access to pertinent e-courses

Why Choose CranialOT Virtual Therapy?

1. Expertise

I am a skilled and compassionate occupational therapist who is dedicated to providing you with the support and knowledge you need to thrive as a family.

2. Whole-Person Approach

I believe in nurturing your baby's physical, emotional, and sensory needs by using a whole-person approach - everything is connected and I love to help solve the mystery as a whole.

3. Customized Care

All virtual Occupational Therapy sessions are tailored to your family's unique situation, ensuring effective and personalized guidance.

4. Confidence Building

My mission is to empower parents with the tools and knowledge to confidently support their baby's development and well-being

nice to meet you

I'm Kaili, your Baby Guru.

B.HSc (Hon.), M.Sc.OT, ICST

I have been an Occupational Therapist for 15+ years, and also hold many additional certifications in holistic infant sleep, reflux, and craniosacral therapy, amongst the many courses I have taken in a variety of topics. I love everything there is when it comes to babies and young children.

My business was created when I was a young new mom myself, with about 8 years of occupational therapy under my belt – I wanted to find a way to create a bonding community of moms and babies that helped bring clarity around what is biologically normal or typical, but also to help reduce the stress and overwhelm that often comes with new motherhood. Ultimately my goal is to help you release the stress, the guilt, the worry, and start spending more time confident in the supermom that you are. More time trusting yourself and your baby.

The more I learn about craniosacral therapy and the brain, the more I realize this is truly the cornerstone of so many concerns in babyhood, childhood, and well into adulthood. As a result, I truly believe that every single human should experience the power of craniosacral therapy.

After the loves of my life, my husband, son, and daughter, my work and is a huge passion. And, I hope that you will choose us to be a small part of your motherhood journey.

My Approach & Philosophy

My role is to be by your side, like a good friend, therapist, and mentor, as you navigate the wild ride of motherhood in the first few years.

My approach is evidence informed, developmentally appropriate, attachment-focused, as we dive into your questions and concerns around developmental milestones, sleep, reflux, feeding/solids, sensory processing, and more.

I guide you, but also empower you to lean in & trust your mama instincts. To tune into the baby you have in front of you, tune into what resonates w/ you & your family, what feels right a light in your heart. Tuning in so that you can start to tune out all the unsolicited advice from well meaning family, friends, social media, and yes even sometimes that of your doctor.


How Does Virtual Support Work?

Once you’ve hired Kaili, you will receive an intake form and pertinent questionnaires to complete. The sleep support requires you to complete a 5 day sleep log (just once, I promise).

Then, you will schedule your initial consultation which is completed over secure video (ie. through a secure PracticeBetter system) to discuss your current situation in detail, your current concerns regarding your child, as well as your goals for our work together.Kaili will discuss her analysis and recommendations and together you will make a plan for your family that takes into consideration your values and needs.Kaili will then provide you with a comprehensive write up of those recommendations, and strategies, which will give you a clear plan of action to follow.You will have the opportunity to be in regular contact with Kaili throughout your contracted support package. Kaili will provide support, advice, and accountability as you work towards putting the strategies in place and establishing new habits for your child and family.

How Long Until My Baby Sleeps Through the Night?

Gently encouraging a baby to sleep better will take a different amount of time for every baby. Unlike more aggressive sleep training methods, I can’t promise you when it will get better. But I can promise you that it will get better. With these responsive, science-based strategies you’ll get more rest soon, and when you do, you’ll rest easy knowing you stayed true to your values the whole way.Remember: sleep training might seem faster and easier, but that doesn’t equal better results. Sleep training often has to be redone as babies grow, and it can cause a huge amount of stress for babies and families. These holistic, attachment-based methods set you up for real, lasting better sleep. You’ll build a foundation of connection that will pay off a thousand times throughout your baby’s childhood. Faster doesn’t mean better!

Is There Crying?

This is a tricky question.  Babies cry – that is how they communicate with us initially.  They cry because they are tired, hungry, uncomfortable, cold, wet, frustrated, and so many other reasons. So while I can’t promise there won’t ever be any crying, I will promise you that I’ll never tell you to leave your baby alone to cry, or tell you that ‘crying helps them figure it out’ or ‘teaches them to be independent’, not for a second. I can’t promise that you won’t cry though – that first night of real rest can definitely bring on tears of relief! 

Do You Offer Ongoing Consultation?

Yes!  I will always be here for you if you need me. Once you purchase a package for virtual support, you will be a client of mine and you will unlock the ability to book me for 30/45/60 minute one-off sessions. My rates are $180/$145/$115 respectively.

What are the benefits?

Benefits of Occupational Therapy for Babies and Young Children:

1.Early Intervention: OT provides early intervention for infants and toddlers, helping identify and address developmental delays or concerns as soon as possible.

2.Improved Development: OT can enhance a child's physical, cognitive, sensory, and social development, enabling them to reach important developmental milestones.

3.Sensory Integration: Occupational therapists can help children with sensory processing differences learn to process and respond to sensory stimuli more effectively, improving their overall sensory integration.

4.Enhanced Motor Skills: OT focuses on developing fine and gross motor skills, improving coordination, balance, and motor planning, which are essential for daily activities.

5.Independence: OT empowers children to become more independent in activities of daily living, such as dressing, feeding, and self-care.

What are the risks?

1.Potential Overwhelm: Young children may find therapy sessions overwhelming or frustrating, especially if they involve challenging activities.

2.Time Commitment: Parents or caregivers may need to commit time and effort to attend therapy sessions and engage in recommended activities at home.

3.Developmental Variation: Children develop at their own pace, and some variations in developmental milestones are normal. It's crucial to strike a balance between addressing concerns and allowing for natural development.

4.Cost and Access: The cost of therapy and access to qualified pediatric occupational therapists can vary, and some families may face challenges related to affordability and availability.

5.Parental Involvement: Effective therapy often involves parents and caregivers actively participating in the child's treatment plan, which may require additional time and effort.

Are sessions covered by insurance?

If you live in Ontario, Canada and have 'occupational therapy' coverage through your extended health insurance, then my services will be covered partially or in full, depending on the details of your benefits package. For families living elsewhere around the world, I provide support internationally through my non-OT practice, as a family wellness consultant and pediatric sleep & reflux specialist - you can grab the details at

Get In Touch


(416) 565-3695



Stoney Creek, Ontario


Mon-Fri: 10am-3pm

Occasional Weekends

Experience the Transformative Magic of CranialOT

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